
The Processing Overview allows you to see all submissions, including past campaigns and any campaigns yet to be sent.

ZAP Processing page

To navigate to the ZAP Processing page, click the ‘processing’ icon in the header of ZAP~POST.

From the ZAP processing page, you may see important information relating to each submission: - Date Submitted - This is the date the original submission was uploaded to the campaign - Submission ID - A unique submission ID (for future use with ZAP~API) - Count of Records - The number of records on initial upload, prior to any data cleansing results and a link to download the original submission data. - Paper Stock - The paper being used for the submission - Campaign Name - The name of the campaign the data has been submitted against - View/Edit Design - You can use this to amend which design a submission uses - Accepted Data - The number of accepted records following the PAF and Cleanse process - Download Cleanse Report - A report for each submission outlining records that failed PAF and Cleanse - Zaps Created - The number of Zaps to be printed and posted - Scheduled For - The date Zaps are due to send - QR Code Tracking - A report highlighting which customers scanned a QR code and when

Downloading Original Submission Data

Users can download their original submission data by clicking the download icon in the 'Count of Records' column on the processing page

View or Edit Design

If you've already submitted data and realised you need to change your design. You can make changes to your design, save and publish your changes and select the new design from this screen.

Click on the View/Edit Design icon and select 'Change Design'

You'll then be prompted to select a new front and back panel.

Once you've selected your new design, you'll be able to specify which submission(s) you would like to update.

Once you've selected which submission is updated, click 'Save and Exit'

Last updated